The College will remain closed on 14.03.25 & 15.03.25 on account of Dol Jatra / Holi.
All Teachers are hereby notified to submit ALL CURRENT/OLD REGISTERS / REPORTS (Meeting Registers of all committees, Dept. Meeting Registers, TC Meeting Registers, Stiock Registers or any Other Registers/reports/documents) to the Head Clerk latest by
Please note that we have framed a sample cover page for ENVS project (VAC-1) for sem - I 2025. Please note that students are not to submit any PLASTIC file or COVER folder along with the project. Only the paper hard copy project is required. Please
It is found from college records that some TS & NTS are not applying for leave on time and on our leave portal. Please keep in mind that you are to apply for leave at your first opportunity and as per leave rules. CL can be applied post-facto but
REMINDER Sir/Madam, I am directed to inform you (Marks Allocators) that the submission of Internal Assessment marks through the web-portal of UG: Semester-I Examinations-2024 will be closed on 11:59 p.m. of 10th Mar
Routine for the Month of January 2025 (Click Here to View) has been uploaded on our college website. This routine comprises of only Semester-I as other semesters will appear for their University exams during this phase. Teachers will quote CLASS ALLO
The College will remain closed on 13.01.25, 14.01.25 & 15.01.25 on account of Poush Parban / Makar Sankranti.
All Teachers (Full-time & SACT) are requested to submit their response (Latest by 28.12.24 8PM) in the following "Google Form" regarding their choice of Preparatory Day for the period Jan'25 to Jun'25. Please note that All
The college will remain CLOSED from 25-12-2024 to 01-01-2025 on account of CHRISTMAS and WINTER RECESS. HAPPY HOLIDAYS.
Dear Sir / Madam, Please note that you have to submit a DECLARATION regarding INCOME TAX in the process mentioned below. 1. Download the 'declaration form' from out website (Downloads) 2. Fill it up properly 3. Please sign in full clearly
Sir/Madam, This is to inform all concerned for the submission of Old Used Answer Scripts to SKBU. The university will take the answer scripts on 18-12-2024 (2 PM) from our college. You can submit the same directly to the University Persaonnels
All teachers are requested to complete the Internal Exam of Semester - III and V latest by 24-12-2024 and keep the marks ready to be submitted on the university portal. The College Internal Exam Portal is now OPEN for this purpose. However, off
You are requested to attand a very important meeting as your scholarship has failed to qualify the required NCPI norms. To know the procedure of rectification of this problem you must attend the following meeting. Venue: B.D.O. Office (Neturia) D
The college will remain closed on 16-11-2024 on account of Kartick Puja.
The college will remain closed on 11-11-2024 on account of Jagadhratri Puja.
Dr. Rabilochan Murmu
The College will remain closed on 05-10-2024 due to necessary maintenance work. Hence last working day before the upcoming vacation is 04-10-2024.
All teachers are requested to collect the format for "Application for Leave Appoval" from Head Clerk and submit duly filled-in signed copy back to Head Clerk latest by 27-09-24. If anyone wants to refer to the previous attendance register,
The College will remain closed on 14.09.24 on account of karam Puja. The College will remain closed on 16.09.24 on account of Fateha Doaz Daham. The College will remain closed on 17.09.24 on account of Viswakarma Puja
As per college records, it was found that some staff (teaching and non-teaching) either were not present before 11:30AM or have not written actual time of arrival on 16th of August, 2024 (Friday). If you have any observation or request to rectif
The College will remain closed on 26.08.24 & 27.08.24 on account of Janmastami.
Consent Survey Form for Invigilation Duty on 04-08-2024 Please response in the following GOOGLE LINK positively by 03.08.2024 10PM positively.
A Meeting cum workshop will be held (ONLINE) on 01-08-2024 at 8PM regarding Admission Verification Process. You are hereby requested to join the meeting if you are a part of TABLE DUTY as notified earlier. The link for this meeting is https://meet.g
All Teaching staff (Full-Time & SACT) are requested to attend an important meeting with Exam Committee regarding upcomming Sem-II exams. Time: 12 noon Date: 27-07-2024 Venue: Seminar Hall (1st floor)
Respected Sir/Madam, Please check your email for a very important issue and respond to the said mail within stipulated time.
All Non-Teaching staff are requested to attend an important meeting with Exam Committee regarding upcomming Sem-II exams. Time: 12 noon Date: 25-07-2024 Venue: Seminar Hall (1st floor)
SEC Exam of Semester - II will be held on 18-07-2024 in offline mode from 11:30 AM. SEC exam for the following subjects will be conducted centrally, the duty list and room chart of which are to be published on 18-07-2024 at staff room. BENGA
All Staff (full-time Teaching & Non-teaching) are requested to submit (latest by 16-07-2024) required duly filled-in HRA forms (with attachments if required) to our college ACCOUNTANT which is required for claim of pay pachet for the period Aug-D
All teaching and non-teaching staff of this college are hereby informed that new cell/committees have been formed by the Governing Body of our college in its meeting dated 01.07.2024. These new committees have come into effect from 02.07.24 superceed
Please collect your Form-16 from Accountant.
Internal exams for Sem-II MAJOR will be held OFFLINE on 21-05-2024 from 11AM to 11:30AM for non-practical subjects. All HoD & teachers are requested to submit question paper of MAJOR subjects for INTERNAL exams latest by 18-05-2024 to h
All teachers are hereby informed to complete the INTERNAL Exams & PRACTICAL (C-type) of Sem - IV and Sem - VI latest by 07-05-2024 as per the Univercity instructions.
As per the instructions of The Sidho Kanho Birsha University, the Academic Audit which was scheduled on 25.04.2024 is POSTPONED until further communication.
All teachers are requested to attand a very important workshop on INTERNSHIP of students requierd as a part of syllabus of 2nd Semester 2024. The workshop will be held on 16-04-2024 from 12:30 PM at the Seminar Hall of the college. All full-time
All teachers are hereby humbly reminded that as the routine committee must submit the final odd sem routine latest by 30.04.2024, it is therefore requested that all the departments must submit the final routine (signed by all teachers of the departme
The college will remain closed on 06.04.2024 Saturday on account of Birthday of Sri Sri Harichand Thakur.
The college will remain closed on 30.03.2024 on account of Easter Saturday.
All Concerned with 2024 SEC exams (Sem-I) under NEP are hereby notified that the University Inspection Team will inspect the Answer scripts, Award Lists, Question Papers and all documents related to SEC exams on 14-03-2024. You are adviced to submit
The College will remain closed on 08.03.24 & 09.03.24 on account of Mahashivaratri.
Title : Workshop 1 for Odd Sem Routine 2024. Date : 28.02.2024 Time : 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm Venue : College Seminar Hall 1st Floor Speaker : Jaya Biswas, Convenor, Routine Committee, PKMV Please Join all Teaching Staff.
All Full-Time Teachers are hereby notified that a meeting will be held in our College Seminar Hall at 12noon on 01.02.2024. Please attend the meeting to discuss some very important Academic Affairs.
it is hereby notified that some teachers are eaither not doing their duty or not doing it within time. The TCS is requested to make a list of such teachers to discuss in the next TC meeting. To mention a few: Routine not optained from all depar
Convenors of all Committees, NSS Prog. officers, NCC ANO/caretaker are requested to submit a roadmap (list of activities with tentative schedure) for the next 3 months (Feb'24 - Apr'24) positively by 30.01.2024. You may discuss with your comm
Dear Mentors, You have been requested (long time ago) to ensure creation of ABC IDs of your mentees. Please note that your mentees will not be allowed to fillup the examination form if he/she do not have a valid ABC ID and that it is your noble duty
All the Head of the Departments are reheby requested to submit data in the prescribed format regarding DEPARTMENT PROFILE. The last date is over long time back. But, data is not obtained for many departments. Some departments have submitted incomplet
This is to notify that the Examination Committee will organise a meeting on 11.01.2024 at 12.00 noon in room number 202. All TS, SACT and NTS are welcome.
The college will remain CLOSED from 23-12-2023 to 01-01-2024 for WINTER RECESS. However, this applies only for those who submits their (1) data for RC/FIP/etc. & (2) department routine. HAPPY HOLIDAYS (in advance)
A meeting regardiong upcomming TET exams will be held at 12 noon on 13-12-2023 at room number 202. All are requested to attend the said meeting positively. If you are absent or you have a p-day, you need not attend the meeting. However, you will be
This is to notify that the following events of the FITNESS WEEK have been organized on the following dates: Events Date ANNUAL SPORTS 14-12-2023 (10AM onwards) PRIZE DISTRIBUTION
A workshop has been arranged in virtual mode amongst Panchakot Mahavidyalaya and Deshbandhu Mahavidyalaya to discuss the following agenda: Community engagement and outreach activities Research, Education and Capacity Building Faculty Excha
All Mentors are requested to take initiative to get your MENTEES (sem-I) to ctreate ABC-ID. It is mandatory requirement of UGC, Govt. and University. No students will be allowed to sit for examination without this ID. In this conmnection, you are req
All HoDs are requested to attend a very important meeting in connection with: ENVS ADD-ON COURSES The details are: Date: 03-10-2023 Time: 1 PM Venue: Meeting Hall Duration: 30 min
This is for your kind information: Students of Sem-I are permitted to use and are actually using the college library (Reading Room Facility) Students of Sem-I can lend books from the college library onne they take awar their Library Card (whi
The College will remain closed on 25-09-2023 on account of Karam Puja and on 28-09-2023 on account of Fateh Dahaz Daham.
With due honour, Panchakot Mahavidyalaya begs to inform you that a MOU (Panchakot Mahavidyalaya with many other colleges) Signing Ceremony for mutual academic affairs is going to be organized on 20th September 2023 at&nb
This is to notify that The Honorable President of our Governing Body is going to address all our teaching and non-teaching staff at 12:30pm on 22-08-2023 for some very important issues. It is hereby notified to all staff that please make it convenien
This is to inform you that you can view the List of Students in your Department in the following manner.
All Head of the departments are requested to collect the required Attendance Registers of sem-I students from college office on 22-08-2023. Please note that these attendance registers 1. are to be maintained regularly 2. are to be kept in saf
College will remain closed on 18.08.23 & 19.08.23 on account of Manasha Puja
A very important IQAC WORKSHOP will be held on RATIONALIZATION of ROUTINE Date: 08-08-2023 Time: 12 noon onwards Venue: Seminar Hall For: Full-time TS, HoD Note: Even if you have OFF day, other duties, please send a representative NEW ROUT
A Teachers’ Council Meeting will be held on 31-07-2023 at 12:30 PM in VIRTUAL MODE for the following agenda: Confirmation of resolutions of the previous meeting Regarding Subject Combination of Sem-I students Faculty Exchange E
College will remain closed on 11-07-2023 owing to ongoing elections.
A very important IQAC WORKSHOP will be held on on the topic NEP & College Level Customization How do we adapt the NEP in our college? How do our duty change in this respect? How many seats are there now in our college? What are the new
A very important IQAC WORKSHOP will be held on on the topic NEP & College Level Customization Date: 21-06-2023 Time: 12 noon onwards Venue: College Hall For: Full-time TS, SACT, NTS Note: Even if you have OFF day, please try to atten
College will run in OFFLINE mode on and from 19-06-2023. Welcome Back.
Compulsory Attendance from 22.05.23 It is hereby notified that ALL staff MUST be on duty on and from 22.05.23 as per the attached order. No OFF days for Full-Time TS/NTS on and from 22.05.23 until further notice No P-Days for Full-Time TS/NTS on
Compulsory Attendance on 10.03.23 It is hereby notified that ALL staff MUST be on duty on 10.03.23 as per the attached order. No OFF days for Full-Time TS/NTS on 10.03.23 No P-Days for Full-Time TS/NTS on 10.03.23 All SACT teachers must be
All invigilators are hereby notified to report positively by 10:15 AM and go to the examination halls latest by 10:30 AM to explain the examinees about OMR sheet usage. This has been ordered from the controller' s office of SKBU. No excuses will
All invigilators are hereby notified to report positively by 10:15 AM and go to the examination halls latest by 10:30 AM to explain the examinees about OMR sheet usage. This has been ordered from the controller' s office of SKBU. No excuses will
It is hereby notified that ALL staff MUST be on duty on 20.02.23 & 21.02.23 as per the attached order. No OFF days for Full-Time TS/NTS on 20.02.23 & 21.02.23 No P-Days for Full-Time TS/NTS on 20.02.23 & 21.02.23 All SACT teachers
The College will remain closed on 14-02-2023 (Birthday of Thakur Panchanan Barma) and 18-02-2023 (Maha Shivaratri)
Holiday on 04.02.2023 due to Annual Sports.
College will remain closed on 14.01.23 and 16.01.23 on account of Makar Sankranti.
Dear Sir / Madam, Please note that you have to submit a DECLARATION regarding INCOME TAX in the process mentioned below. 1. Collect the 'declaration form' from out accountant 2. Fill it up properly 3. Please sign in full clearly 4. Attac
All Staff are hereby informed that: Duty List on 24.12.2023 Sl. Invigilator 1 Dr. JAYANTA DAS 2 Dr. JOYDEV PANDA 3 RABILOCHAN MURMU 4 SRIMANTA KANJI
All teachers are requested to send their Sem - I Honours students to College Hall for ENVS class at 12 noon today. All teachers who take ENVS class are also requested to attend this first day of the class, Kindly treat this as urgent and please compl
The College will remain closed from 30-09-2022 to 31-10-2022 on account of Puja Vacation. Necessary office work will be held as per requirement. All staff must perform (if assigned) their duties (reports, write-ups, preparations, online meetings
Please Report atleast 15 min before 11AM Classes are suspended but all teachers who have class as per the routine must come to the college. Those who have PDAY may not come to the college. ROOM NO. NAME OF THE PROFESSOR
All Teachers who are to allot THEORY marks of Semester - VI are hereby notified to upload the marks latest by 30-06-2022 (4PM) without fail. Necessary ID & Password has been sent to your email. A direct link of submission of the marks has also be
It is hereby notified that there will be SUMMER RECESS / STUDY LEAVE for the period 08-06-2022 to 14-06-2022, subject to the following conditions: A teacher must have to come to the college and perform duty if any campus duty assigned by the pr
An urgent Meeting of Examination Committee involving HODs will be held on 04-06-2022 at 10:30 AM in our Seminar Hall. If HOD can't attend the meeting, he/she must sent a representative for the meeting.
College will remain closed on 16-05-2022 on account of Buddha Purnima.
The College will remain closed from 14.04.22 to 16.04.22 on account of Ambedkar Jayanti good Friday and Easter Saturday.
Panchakot Mahavidyalaya 4 Coy. 51 Bengal Bn. Purulia is going to organize a FREE Medical cun Eye Camp on 07-04-2022 from 11am onwards. All Students and Staff are requested to attend the camp. Free tests and Counselling will be done. Please see detail
You are hereby requested to follow the Govt. Order 1250 - F(P2) (click here to download) strictly and do the needful.
The College will remain CLOSED on 30-03-2022 (Wednesday) on account of Birthday of Shri Shri Harichand Thakur. This has been declared by State Govt. vide its order number 1230-F(P2).
Please submit INTERNAL & THEORY marks of Semester - I (2021) on university portal latest by 22-03-22. Login credentials are sent in your e-mail. Keep a record of your uploaded data and submit the same to Dr. Joydev Panda when asked for. Con
All teachers and staff are requested to return all library books to our college library immediately. Ignore if alreadt done.
The College will remain CLOSED on 01-03-2022 (Tuesday) on account of Maha Shavaratri
Due to sad demise of Shri Sadhan Pande, Honorable Minister, Govt of West Bengal, college will be closed tomorrow i.e. 21.02.2022 from 2.00 pm.
Click Here to Download DUTY LIST (Teachers) GUIDELINES
The College will remain closed on 14-02-2022 on account of Thakur Panchanan Barma.
A General Meeting of all TS, SACT, NTS & College Casual Staff is scheduled on 08-02-2022, Tuesday at 1pm in our Seminar Hall. All are requested to be present. Those who have OFF day or are on Leave or have other official assignments, may not atte
1. Any staff (TS / NTS) will be marked as absent if not present by 11:30am 2. Students attendance will be compiled every working day by 11:30am This is to be done in compliance to submission of daily attendance report to Govt. by 11:30am.
It is hereby notified that if any employee is tested Covid POSITIVE or any of their family member is tested Covid POSITIVE, he/she MUST report to the principal through mail and MUST NOT come to the college. This is to be strictly adhered to. Emp
A general meeting of all Teaching staff and all Non-Teaching staff has been scheduled on 27-12-2021 at 10am in ONLINE mode to discuss and find the road map for Students week Celebrations. Link for the said meting is:
A Meeting of Routine & Seminar Committee has been scheduled on on 17.12.21 at 12 noon in our seminar hall. All HODs are requested to attend the said meeting.
All teachers (Full-time & SACT) are requested to be present in a meeting on 15-12-2021 at 12:30PM in our college Seminar Hall. Teachers who are previously on leave or have preparatory day may not attend the said meeting.
This is to notify that if you want to get enrolled and avail for West Bengal Health Scheme (WBHS), please contact our Nodal Officer Dr. Debkumar Bhattacharya. Other details are also available on our college website.
Panchakot Mahavidyalaya congratulates Dr. Trisapta Pradip for obtaining Ph.D.
No classes will be held on 04.02.22 & 05.02.22 due to Swaraswati Puja. Attendance of staff is not mandatory for this period.
An Orientation Meeting will be held on 10-11-21 tomorrow at 10am regarding modalities of resuming of Offline Classes. Kindly make yourself available. Its very importangt and hence deceided to meet urgently.
Department Routine Class Report (Apr 20 - Mar 21) Publications Class Report APR 2021 BENGALI Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted
A very important ONLINE meeting has been scheduled on 31.03.2021 at 12noon for the HoDs of all departments to discuss the following agenda. Please make yourself convenient to login 10 min before the meeting. Link will be sent before the meeting.
DUTY LIST FOR NTS Sem – III & V Exam 2020 (held in Mar 2021) Sem Dates Staff Time III 02-03-21 04-03-21 06-03-21 09-03-21
Please submit internal marks of Semester - V (2022) on university portal latest by 14-01-22 4PM. Login credentials are sent in your e-mail. Some students are yet to appear for the internal exams. They will do so on 13.01.22. Update those data b
Please submit the marks for internal exams as soon as possible. Link has been sent to your email. Ignore if already sent or you are not a marks allocator for sem-III.
E-Learning Report 16.3.20 to 15.04.20 E-Learning Report 16.4.20 to 30.04.20 E-Learning Report 01.4.20 to 15.05.20 AUGUST 2020 SEPTEBBER 2020 OCTOBBER 2020 - NO CLASS NOVEMBER 2020 DECEMBER 2020 JANUARY 2021
Submit 4 copies (for salary and arrear) of HRA declarations immediately to college office. Hard copies, duly filled-up and signed, are to be submitted. You may download HRA Forms from the download section of our website. You may submit it t
Evaluation Process & Results preparation of UG (Semester VI) of the Academic Session 2019-20. *The underlying principle of results preparation: 20% weightage to Internal Assessment of current semester 80% weightage to the results of pr
See List Below Formal Hard copy of approval letter to be given after LOCKDOWN Soft Copy of approval letter to be sent via e-mail within 5 days All are approved with effect from 01-01-2020 as SACT Sl. No. NAME OF THE SAC
See List Below Formal Hard copy of approval letter to be given after LOCKDOWN Soft Copy of approval letter to be sent via e-mail within 5 days All are approved with effect from 01-01-2020 as SACT Sl. No. NAME OF GUEST
NO Students, Guardians or Employees should enter the College Premises without PERMISSION. Only Full-time security guards are allowed.
Form - 16 (AY-2023-24) for Tax Payers of the college is READY. Please collect it from the College Accounts Office.