If any Faculty member wants to get any article / research paper / academic document, you can contant our DDS (Document Delivery Service)
Panchakot Mahavidyalaya Library offers Online Document Delivery Service (DDS) to the academic community. Library arranges from other academic institutions to get full-text article/ book chapters those documents which are not held in its collection for the academic community at Panchakot Mahavidyalaya. Library members can send their document requirements with proper bibliographical details (Title of the article (s), Author Name, Name of the journal, Vol No., Issue No., Publication month and year)/ article links/ DOI through email.
How can you avail this service? Just e-mail (priyankakhuntia004@gmail.com) our LIBRARIAN
How much do you have to pay? Rs.0/- (Yes, its FREE)
Today | : | 562 |
This Month | : | 14264 |
This Year | : | 109802 |
Total | : | 900240 |
2020, Panchakot Mahavidyalaya