All Teachers (Full-time & SACT) are requested to submit their response (Latest by 28.12.24 8PM) in the following "Google Form" regarding their choice of Preparatory Day for the period Jan'25 to Jun'25. Please note that All FULL-TIME / SACT teachers of a particular department cannot take the same P. Day.
Please note that:
1. This is just a survey to obtain your choice.
2. Your choice will be honoured only if it is plausible.
3. Choice of Full-Time / SACT teachers, restrictions of routine, etc. will be taken into consideration and final decision will be taken.
Today | : | 1107 |
This Month | : | 16163 |
This Year | : | 111701 |
Total | : | 902139 |
2020, Panchakot Mahavidyalaya