Leave Notice

It is found from college records that some TS & NTS are not applying for leave on time and on our leave portal. Please keep in mind that you are to apply for leave at your first opportunity and as per leave rules. CL can be applied post-facto but at first opportunity. DL / EL has to be pre-approved from the principal. Post-facto claims and requests will NOT be entertained whatsoever. Please comply with leave rules with more sincerity and avoid unnecessary service complications. No excuses to be entertained in future. You have to apply for leaves (not necessarily CL) well in advance. Please ignore, if you are not a defaulter or do not want to be one.

Full-Time Teachers, SACT and Non-Teaching Staff now have to apply (at first opportunity) for CASUAL LEAVE and DUTY LEAVE online ONLY through our dedicated College Leave Portal. Offline applications for CL/DL will not be entertained. Online access to other leaves will also be given in due course. To access the portal Click Here. This portal can also be accessed from the footer of our College Website. For other leaves, employees have to apply ex-ante in hard copy / email for approval and leave can be enjoyed only after formal approval. Please note that only CL does not necessarily require prior approval. For all other leaves, like EL,DL, etc. prior approval in compulsory. ML or leave on medical grounds may be applied post-facto (but at first opportunity). Duty Leave (RC/FIP/Seminar/Workshop/Short-term courses/etc.) must be pre-approved from the principal. Duty Leave for RC/FIP/Seminar/Workshop/Short-term courses/etc.will be given only upto the adequate score attainment of an employee for CAS. No duty leave will be allowed for attending RC/FIP/Seminar/Workshop/Short-term courses/etc. for additional scores of CAS.

Extract of other leave rules are as below:

  • Leave of absence from duty CANNOT be claimed as a matter of right and may, on application by a teacher of a college be granted only when satisfactory grounds have been shown.
  • When the exigencies of service so require, the authority competent to grant leave of any description or any such leave is granted, revoke such leave or part thereof.
  • Absence without leave shall render a teacher to disciplinary action as provided in the Statute/ Act/ Regulations of the concerned Universities under which a college is affiliated.
  • All applications of leave or for extension of leave shall be addressed to Principal and sanction for the leave or extension of leave shall be obtained before it is availed of.
  • Provided that if the authority competent to grant leave, is satisfied that it was not possible to apply for or obtain the sanction for leave of absence beforehand leave may be granted with retrospective effect; but all applications of leave with retrospective effect shall be filed at the earliest possible opportunity.
  • Leave ordinarily shall commence on the date with effect from which it is actually availed of and terminate on the date preceding the date of resumption of duty provided that Sundays are holidays may be prefixed or suffixed to leave, so however for the purpose of prefixing or suffixing to leave holidays exceeding three days, previous sanction of the authority competent to grant the leave shall be obtained.
  • No teacher on leave shall return to duty before the expiry of leave granted to him/her, without permission of the leave sanctioning authority.
  • The Principal may recall the teacher at any time as the case may be who may be on leave except on medical ground.
  • If the teacher of a college has been granted leave to which holidays have been suffixed or prefixed and such the teacher absents himself/herself from duty beyond the expiration of such holidays shall be treated as absent from duty without leave and he/she shall not be entitled to his/her salary or allowances for such period unless and until the Governing Body otherwise directs.

