Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects / endowments in the institution during 2018 - 2023
Name of the research project/ endowment | Name of the Principal Investigator/Co-investigator | Department of Principal Investigator | Year of Award | Amount Sanctioned (in lakhs) | Name of the Funding Agency | Type (Government/non-Government) | For document |
DST | Dr. Tanmay Chattopadhyay | Chemistry | 2018 | 2.25000 | DST | Government | Click Here |
UGC-MRP | Dr. Biplab Bhowmick | Zoology | 2018 | 0.21549 | UGC | Government | Click Here |
TOTAL | 2.46549 |
Today | : | 570 |
This Month | : | 14272 |
This Year | : | 109810 |
Total | : | 900248 |
2020, Panchakot Mahavidyalaya