You can come by train, our nearest railway station, Madhukunda (SE Rly.) is about 5 Km from the college, But only Local trains stop at this station. If you come by Express Trains, you need to reach Barakar.SER (12 kms – 30min), Asansol(ER) (22 kms – 45min) or Adra(SER) (28 kms – 50min).
You can come by road, you need to reach Sarbari More, the crossing point of Purilia-Barakar Road and Panchet-Madhukunda Road. Here are some important places and their distances from our college:
However, the easiest way to reach us is to search for our college in Google Map and get going. We are at 23.6475198°N 86.8170626°E
Today | : | 531 |
This Month | : | 14233 |
This Year | : | 109771 |
Total | : | 900209 |
2020, Panchakot Mahavidyalaya