All Concerned with 2024 SEC exams (Sem-I) under NEP are hereby notified that the University Inspection Team will inspect the Answer scripts, Award Lists, Question Papers and all documents related to SEC exams on 14-03-2024. You are adviced to submit the required documents to the College Examination Committee well in advance to avoid unforeseen contingences. You are also requested to face the said team on the scheduled date, but, if 14.03.24 is a P.Day for you or you are absent for CL/DL/ Spot. etc. please depute someone who can do this job for you.
Today | : | 1023 |
This Month | : | 16079 |
This Year | : | 111617 |
Total | : | 902055 |
2020, Panchakot Mahavidyalaya